Ellie Yanagisawa (they/them), also known as Ellie the Cosmic Jelly, is a contemporary artist living and working in Baltimore, MD. Ellie's work is rooted in her queer and Japanese American identities. It is also a reflection of their personal journey of healing through the lens of radical compassion. They expresses through a number of mediums, including pen and ink, paper mache, acrylic paint, and digital. They have completed and assisted several murals across DC. Ellie believes in the power of activism through art and has mobilized community art builds with The Omi Collective, Black Lives Matter DC, Black Swan Academy, No Justice No Pride, Madison House, and more Black-led and QTBIPOC grassroots organizations.
All images are the property of Ellie the Cosmic Jelly. Please do not use them without her permission. Always credit the artist name and IG handle: @elliethecosmicjelly.